The International Color Name Registry provides a unique gift for your friends and family. It's great for someone who has everything! It's an especially great gift for children of all ages. (With supervision for younger children). To give a color as a gift, fill out the form below. The cost is $35 which will be paid through paypal with a credit card. Within 48hrs, you will receive an e-mail containing a gift code. There will be a link to the name a color page where your loved ones can name their color. All you have to do is e-mail the gift code and the link to this website. When they go to register the color, instead of paying for it themselves, all they have to do is enter the gift code which you sent to them on the registration form.

First Name

Last Name

Street Address



Zip Code

Phone Number

E-Mail Address

Choose a Username

Choose a password

Thank you. Click submit and you will be taken to our secure server to pay the gift fee.