The International Color Name Registry was
created to serve as a database for the naming of all of the colors which may be
created on today's computers. There are currently over 16 million possible
colors which may be displayed on today's computer monitors and only a tiny
fraction of them have been named. We hope the process of naming colors will be
fun for the whole family. This website was created to enable anyone (who wishes
to do so) to name a color and register it. This information will be copywrited.
This site was also meant to be a place where anyone
interested in color may go to learn more about it. We have provided links which
explain the meaning of such terms as the hexadecimal code, the RGB code, HTML,
non dithering colors, etc.
We hope our website and our database of color names will be used by all entities
which are involved in the various aspects of computer graphics such as web
designers, graphics designers, artists, computer manufacturers, programmers, and
software companies. There are currently less than a few hundred color names
which may be used in place of the hexadecimal code when using HTML to design web
pages. We hope our database of color names will be used by such entities to
increase the number of names used in the HTML code. Names are easier to remember
than numbers.
Also, there are currently some discrepancies in the literature regarding some of
the names which are currently being used by web designers. For example, some hex
codes have more than one name and some names have more than one hex code
depending on which book you refer to. We will try to clear up some these
discrepancies. Our database will be standardized. Each hex code will have only
one name and every name in our database will be unique. We hope those in the web
design and computer graphics field will work with us to provide names for every
color as well. We encourage anyone who has a website to join our affiliate
program so that you can start earning money as you help us achieve our goal.
Finally, if you own a website and would like to advertise, you may sponsor our
color names or sign up for our affiliate program.
Click Here to Name A Color